Synopsis: Set in the late 70’s, FEELING RANDY is the spirited quest of four teen boys looking to get their nuts off at the fictional Kitty Ranch Brothel (based on the now defunct Mustang Ranch in Nevada). It’s a classic rite of passage romp….at least that’s the hook. But the real story lies in the struggles of our main character, Randy, and his sexual confusion in a time before that was chic or even spoken of, other than high school locker room insults of “fag”. Adding to Randy’s already full plate are the lurid trespasses of his ill tempered father, which mercilessly throw monkey wrenches into the boys brothel plans (not to mention Randy’s psyche), while his mother whistles past the graveyard. Fortunately, our hero’s fruitless quest to prove his heterosexuality leads, in the end, to something quite the opposite… Based on actual events.